
First Impressions (You don’t get a second chance)

Harrison-1st-mpressions_343967693-smMaking an excellent first dental impression is Dentistry’s most critically learned clinical skill. The degree of difficulty is high and demands strict attention to the details of correct technique. The costs of doing it over because of any flaw are damaging not only to the confidence of the patient but also time and money lost within the practice. Doing things right the first time eliminates costly mistakes and excellent impressions mean excellent dentistry is possible. It is even more necessary to be accurate and precise in restorative dentistry where the fit of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, precision partials, dentures, and implants have to be exact to microscopic tolerances. It take a pro not an amateur to get it right and no lay person should ever try and take their own impressions for dental appliances by getting caught up in the wave of do it yourself (DIY) dentistry. One college dude, Amos Dudly, at New Jersey Institute of Technology ,made himself famous of late by fabricating his own orthodontic appliance using the schools multiple $100,000+ 3D laser scanners, printers, graphic design computers, animation software and other exotic products and telling the world that it only cost him $60 to straighten his front tooth. Oh the foolishness of youth, who by the way was on a scholarship paying his very expensive education with no sane idea of what his out of pocket $60 dental appliance really cost to fabricate. Dentistry is not something you try out at home to save a buck thinking that you can perform as well as a highly trained professional, yet there are on line companies ready to send you questionable impression material, in ill-fitting trays, for you to gag yourself mushing the gook over your saliva laden teeth missing all the important soft tissue landmarks for them to make you an questionable ill-fitting orthodontic appliance sent in a beautifully colored box with a picture of a gorgeous model’s million dollar smile. The choice is first or worst with dental impressions. The latter is called malpractice. Must we be permissive and tolerant of incompetence and crime? The media apparently says ” yes”!, The Dental Practice Act says “no”!

Part two of first impressions has to do with meeting and greeting all people in general,Harrison-1st-mpressions_249027679-sm especially potential patients in a very competitive world of multiple choices. You do not get a second chance to make a first impression and nobody has their hospitality act down better than Ritz Carlton Hotel personnel who are trained daily in providing superior service to their guests. It was my privilege to listen to Horst Schulze the founder and CEO of Ritz Carlton Hotels at a recent leadership meeting beamed by satellite to 167 sites across the USA from Willow Creek Church in Chicago to thousands of attentive listeners as Mr. Schulze in a thick German accent told the crowd the secret of business success. He said with Prussian authority: “Believe vat I tell you, it es trooth, I know it es trooth because I say so, (you think I am going to argue with this man?), Vee treat every guest at Ritz Carlton as if they vere Jesus Christ” . Those were the first words out of his mouth, the head man of a very successful high end enterprise. Quite a different Inn Keeper from the one in Bethlehem that condescended to give his divine guest a rough cut food trough bed in a dark cold smelly stable. Another comparison with the first and worst in making impressions whether it be mixing material or meeting people.

If you are looking for some good old fashion Southern hospitality while achieving a lifetime beautiful smile, please call John Harrison Orthodontist at 727 822-3156 and take a look at our web site: We’ll treat you like a number: #1

John B. Harrison DDS, MSc

Why an Orthodontic Specialist?

Harrison #1 600At the end of my personal thoughts, you will have improved your decision-making based on the truth of solid evidence. So that you know, all orthodontists are dentist first, but only 6% of dentists are orthodontists. All of these 6% are in the top 10% of their graduating class from dental school and even so, getting accepted into a graduate university orthodontic residency is a difficult and costly endeavor, many times requiring multiple attempts and practicing general dentistry as one waits out the opportunity to spend 3 more years of over 4,000 class hours of rigorous academic and clinical dental education. You might as well be comparing an NFL quarterback to a Youth football lineman as comparing a dental specialist with generalist.  I know this because I have taught orthodontics to graduate dentists at the university level for 25 years and have been engaged with dentists in study clubs longer than that. This is not to demean dentists who incorporate orthodontics into their practice without specialized education, it is a free country, but there are a lot of weekend warrior courses claiming to make orthodontists out of all who pay their exorbitant course fee. Until you have had the benefit of much deeper, longer and comprehensive education, you don’t know what you don’t know and there is no way the wisdom is equal and the scales balance. Dentists who know me well know exactly what I am talking about. Those that don’t need a reality check.

Orthodontics is the “Mother of Dentistry” as all things related to dentistry have an orthodontic implication, which if not considered leads on to failed attempts to bring nature back into beauty and balance.  The main difference is that the orthodontist knows what not to do as well as what to do, but this is such a critical part of diagnostic acumen and where major mistakes are made and less than ideal results occur.

Orthodontists are always able to show you the results of treating a similar situation as yours, better yet how treatment holds up many years later, but best of all, how adults benefit as much as youthful patients, mainly because of our multidisciplinary approach to complex dental problems. Adult oral rehabilitation requires a team of like-minded professionals collaborating to support each other for your optimum patient care. Adult care needs the expertise of other specialists as well as the general dentist who will be the quarterback calling the play sent in from all the coaches on the sideline making the diagnosis of the obstacles lined up against gaining ground and scoring. No room on the field for prima donnas.

Complimentary initial exams are the only place to begin the journey to enhanced personal attractiveness and improvement in over all physical health. We in good taste (no pun intended) will hopefully raise your spiritual awareness to the good that God intends. That is why we do what we do. Your doubt and questions will clear away at no cost to you except for well-spent time and you will find out just how pleasant an orthodontic experience can be. We are grandfatherly kid friendly and mighty obliging to adults. We’ll surprise you with a take home prize.

Do we have a guarantee, Yes we do – our superior service is a guarantee and we will treat you like a number: NUMBER ONE (#1)!  Call (727) 822-3156 and learn the wisdom of teeth.

John B. Harrison DDS, MSc


Time & Tide

Harrison 112510 Smile“Time and tide wait for no man”, yet “there is a tide when taken at the flood leads on to prosperity”, so the right time for things to happen is important and no more so than in orthodontics. As the development clock ticks, things that are supposed to happen on time can be interfered with causing a delay with many unintended consequences. Many critical events must happen correctly before birth, so prenatal health is paramount which means the mother’s health is paramount. Weight gains, smoking, alcohol, and combinations of medications contribute to infant health problems. Premature births face a host of issues that full term babies don’t have to contend with. Breast feeding or formula feeding spell success or failure for proper oral development, unfortunately, nature’s way has been supplanted by food industry’s marketing altered essentials in a different container. Then who knows all the environmental issues that impact children’s health? We have had contaminated water supplies on military bases as well metropolitan cities, toxic products from China, contaminated playgrounds, stagnant air traveling US Air and genetically altered food. It’s a wonder anyone is healthy, but we have a remarkable body that has a master plan of healing if we take life seriously.


My motive for posting this blog is to improve the observation of early signs of trouble and a quick look at the way a new born is breathing, sleeping and nursing will give many clues. Mouth breathing, snoring and night time arousals will have deleterious effects in preschool children. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids restrict proper nasal breathing and tongue thrust swallowing insures that a malocclusion is developing, so the signs of the tide show its time to act.


The next stage of facial development where problems can be identified is age 7.  If kids have not seen a dentist by then it is past time and I believe all 7 year olds should have a panoramic X-ray taken plus cavity detecting films. It is amazing how many missing or displaced teeth one finds on these important films. Teeth need to come in on time and for that to happen they need room. It is many times necessary to remove primary teeth to allow room for the lower and upper four incisors to erupt to their proper place. This method of borrowing space is a loan that must be paid back later at the next stage of development, age 10 -11. The eight year old child with jaw relation issues be they horizontal, vertical or transverse, is at an ideal age for corrective intervention. Their cooperation is at an all-time high as they want to please (not necessarily so with teenagers). We also want them sleeping properly and breathing correctly at the youngest of ages.


The 10 – 11 year olds are coming of age with their permanent dentition and it is critically important that the dentist know the pattern of eruption of the upper and lower canines as these teeth can do destructive harm to any tooth in their way. They must have clear passage and have erupted before age 12.


That one fact alone could save so much grief with orthodontic problems if someone is paying attention. Growth is about to kick off at its highest velocity at puberty and this is probably the most important tide and time for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. It is kind of a middle school rite of passage to wear braces, but it makes sense biologically. One dental truth all should know is that by 13, all permanent teeth except the wisdom teeth should be functioning, but the sad truth is that far too many patients are seen where this is not the case and the tide and time have come and gone.


Now orthodontist have to go to work without all the natural help proper timing avails. The adult patient is one that for valid reasons did not get the benefit of an earlier solution and they are a growing percent of orthodontic practices the world over. Even though there are limitations because of no growth, still there a wide variety of options available to recover nature’s intent. Very often adults need team partners involved in oral rehabilitation. The orthodontist, periodontist, endodontist, prosthodontists and oral surgeon are valued team partners who can offer the best and most suitable solution. There is a rising tide of interdisciplinary cooperation that bodes well for today’s adult patient. So the tide waits for no man, but it continuously ebbs and flows and the future tide can also be the best time to decide on improving the most valuable asset anyone carries with them – a beautiful smile.


John B. Harrison DDS, MSc


Repairing the Cuban Cleft (one lip at a time)

Harrison Cuba SmilesAfter five years of planning and politics with a communist country, Rotary’s cleft palate team which included an orthodontist (me) landed in Havana, Wednesday April 27th with $267 in overweight medical supplies we were donating to their children’s hospital, where all medical and dental care is “free” and as you might imagine not by appointment nor on time any time. Now I understand the true meaning of “patient” and the end result of a single payer system, which please pray that we will never have. We seven team members were very cordially received even though that morning’s paper quoted Raul Castro as saying the US was Cuba’s #1 enemy despite Obama’s overtures and the Ray’s game fanfare. The home runs hit out of the park in Havana were the uncelebrated RotoCleft’s collaboration and surgeries with 14 Cuban doctors. Dr. Sandra Lilo, a Seminole dentist and staunch Rotarian has been leading the Rotary cleft palate team into third world countries, at our own expense plus hefty tipping (bribes) for 15 years, and much to her credit, she is the driving force of organization and logistics, both momentous tasks.

Our team preformed three flawless surgeries (no orthodontics which comes later) on formerly disfigured faces now beautiful while our Cuban hosts observed, assisted and admired American willingness to share information and techniques. An obvious bond of respect and affection developed between us, which sure makes the obnoxious politics of world leaders the real climate problem. When doing bad stuff seems to be the world order of things, it is very reassuring to witness what doing good stuff offers. I had the good fortune to be the only one allowed to go visit Havana’s Dental College. Not only did I meet with all the faculty for a lengthy discussion of dentistry but I was given a complete tour of the entire school which reminded me of my four hot years at un air conditioned Emory, but they do not complain like we do.  I left Cuba with new friends and a wish that we could get all of our classy 50’s – 60’s automobiles back; they may be belching out black exhaust but they are running in abundance.Harrison Cuba Cars

We left on their May Day Celebration of Communism taking over a western country. The irony is that  “may day” is an international disaster call. Communism refuses God’s Word and His Blessings to its own peril. I think we responded to a “may day” call to repair a cleft in relations -one lip at a time.

The Breath of Life

“And the Lord God breathed into his (Adam’s) nostrils the breath of life” Gen. 2:7

Notice “nostrils” (nose) not mouth, not lungs. We are made to breathe through our nose not mouth which is made for eating. Nasal breathing is essential for proper facial development and early mouth breathing at an early age changes facial form and function in detrimental ways so it is imperative that this issue be addressed early in life even before age 3, if possible. It is apparent with new borns if they are thriving with mouth closed breathing thru the nose. Unfortunately, many are not!

Nasal breathing means survival to animals in the wild since they eat, breathe and smell for danger all at the same time. The fastest animal on earth, the cheetah is breathing through its nose at 60 miles/hour and thoroughbred race horses are all breathing through their nose at the finish line. In fact, if an animal is breathing through its mouth it is a sign of distress or sickness – call the vet ASAP!   Also, how many times have you heard the admonition “chew with your mouth closed” or “close your mouth, you look like the village idiot”?  I sure did and did not heed the warning because I developed the worst open bite/tongue thrust I have ever seen just because I could not breathe through my nose properly.

The importance of the nose is demonstrated by the size and volume of the nasal cavity within the skull which properly prepares the air before it reaches the lungs-preforming 30 functions. Mouth breathing children develop problems with posture, oral hygiene problems, gum disease, bad breath, snoring, malocclusions, lack of energy, lack of concentration and moodiness. Hope you are now convinced that breathing right is the path way to health to say nothing of athletic ability and endurance. So mouth breathers please make an appointment with us so that we can provide you with one of the 3 greatest health improvements you can control: sleeping right, eating right and breathing right. Truth be known, breathing right will elevate your health and energy level beyond what the other 2 pillars of health can ever do alone. Elite athletes and super focused highly accomplished people breathe through their nose all the time day and night.  Call (727) 822-3156 for a complimentary but thorough evaluation and let us help you develop the breath of life.

John B. Harrison DDS,MSc

“Falling head over heels in love” Valentine’s Day

Valentines LG

The Shadow of Your Smile

No apologies for coming of age in the 50’s and 60’s. Those two decades of music are buttons #1 and #2 on our Sirus satellite auto radio. The 1959 and 1960 Grammy Award Song of the Year was: (envelope please) Johnny Mandel’s hit, “The Shadow of Your Smile”. It also is in the top 100 songs in American Cinema, the theme song of the movie “The Sandpiper”. It also won the Academy Award for the best original song.

So what is so special about this tune that these top artist gave it life and meaning: Tony Bennett, Barbara Streisand, Andy Williams, Percy Faith, Perry Como, Frank and Nancy Sinatra, Dean Martin, Al Martino, Connie Francis, Marvin Gaye, Herb Alpert, Al Hirt, Engelbert Humperdinck Ella Fitzgerald, Rosemary Clooney, Tom Jones and Kenny G?

What is so special is that this song is a testimony to the power, influence, friendship, calming effect, recognition and acceptance of another, favor and love for another, a reflection of the peace and tranquility within your soul that a beautiful smile conveys to others. Quite a significant signal of communication, not easily ignored or forgotten. The haunting melody goes with these words:
The shadow of your smile
When you are gone
Will color all my dreams
And light the dawn
Look into my eyes
My love and see
All the lovely things
You are to me
Now when I remember spring
All the joy that love can bring
I will be remembering
The Shadow of Your Smile.

I have just returned from my niece’s funeral at her church filled with friends, family, caregivers and others touched by how she maintained the last 41/2 years of her long painful battle with cancer with a smile for everyone. A portrait of her beautiful smiling face dominated the pulpit area of the sanctuary. Nearly every electronic message from over 600 responders, as did the two ministers in the eulogy, focused on how Sandy’s warm welcoming smile made you feel knowing the adversity overwhelming her life. Interestingly, as Sandy gave her last breath back to the Lord she loved – a smile settled over face in death bringing joy and loveliness to remember while she is gone. Her smile has cast a very long shadow -from here to eternity.

Of all the things you wear your smile is the most important.
John B. Harrison DDS,MSc

“Desire” the Gift of Christmas

Joy-tothe-WorldOh, how all of us desire! From infancy to infirmity across all humanity, desire is instinctive, hard wired into the human experience of life. It well may be the greatest gift God has ever given because God’s ultimate reason for mixing it into our DNA is that we eventually realize that our upmost and highest desire is the desire for His Son, Jesus Christ whose significance we celebrate each Christmas.

300 years ago, Johann Sebastian Bach composed “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” heavenly music that arouses reverence and stirs your soul, singing of him as “wisdom’s holiest treasure” where we “drink of joy from deathless springs”.  He alone will be the only one to bring Peace on Earth from the terrors of this world. That is a gift we all should desire.

If you desire this gift, listen to Celtic Woman’s exalted emotional voice transport you back through time not just 300 years ago when Bach was inspired but to the very night Christ was born on Christmas Day, you will hear how angles sing.


John Harrison

Thanksgiving Reflections Grit and God

ThanksgivingWith one great sweep of the mind we can easily imagine that every color and creed of mankind inhabiting this earth has had occasions to expressed gratitude for good fortune and concern for misfortune. Life is a steady repetition of both and plays no favorites. As Job recounted, “man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward” He knew both sides of that equation as no other on earth but he reasoned that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.
One does not sail across the stormy Atlantic confined below decks for three months without being very grateful when you feet touch dry land nor would you not be exceedingly thankful for surviving a terribly cold miserable winter that took the lives of half the Mayflower’s immigrants, knowing
you would not be alive either except for the kind assistance of a native American, Masssasoit as true a Pagan as Pilgrims were Puritan.
Now it just so happened (read: providential intervention) that Plymouth Harbor became filled with migrating ducks and geese while stripped bass, bluefish and cod were plentiful below the surface. The woods yielded deer and turkey while the first crop was harvested in early fall (before November) and best of all- barley could be turned into beer. The stage is set for a great Thanksgiving celebration even without the pumpkin pie or cranberries. The exact date of this serendipity celebration in early fall of 1621 escapes us but it all began when 100 uninvited guests walked into the settlement bringing food and gifts instead of hatchets and scalps.
Maybe it is easier to be grateful when things go well, but remember, half the settlement died from the hardship and the prayed for peace with the natives that did not last. Counter intuitive as it is, adversity and hardship of the harshest kinds never dimmed the celebrations of Thanksgiving that have continued throughout fortune and misfortune. True grit and God were the unassailable bonds that welded a westward expansion into a unique model of civilization that faced many a struggle and formidable enemies as surely as sparks fly upwards. We are still a work in progress, but if we ever forget our true grit and God then we will be vanquished from our appointed destiny to be the Giving people others Thank.
Be someone’s Thanksgiving.
John B. Harrison DDS, MSc

Your Best Investment

Bite Down On Good Nutrition 400The financial pundits call it R.O. I. (return on investment), I call it common sense. Far too many seniors say “ If I knew I was goanna live so long, I would have taken better care of myself”, but ironically they did, maybe unknowingly, but that is why they are living longer. Now our youngest generation is really in a health crisis caused by numerous cultural changes like the demise of the family dinner hour over a home cooked meal mom had prepared from scratch. We should be and could be the healthiest nation on earth with the lowest health care cost, but we are not because of poor lifestyle choices even when we know better. We are highly educated, stressed out, out of shape, overweight, junk food addicts who are sleep deprived and headed for costly avoidable medical problems that will take a toll on our lives and adversely affect our families. Obesity in children has risen dramatically since 1990 bringing on a host of health issues once seen only in adults. Kids school performance suffers greatly due to nutritional deficiencies and sleep deprivation. Motivation to excel and push the envelope hold no attraction for the lethargic who would rather be entertained by all our new electronic wizardry that is attached to our kids at all hours- day and night. We make excuses for everything we are failing to do right

The best investment you will ever make is in your own health: spiritual, mental and physical and oh what a savings in dollars it returns. The only solution is to take personal responsibility and learn to enjoy the discipline it takes thrive at peak performance. Only you can cure the problem- not doctors, hospitals, federal government, insurance companies, education or money.

Bite down on good nutrition; it is your best investment!

John B. Harrison DDS, MSc