John B. Harrison DDS,MSc
Orthodontic Specialist
Children’s Facial Development/ Adult Smile Design
Oral Habit Control/Bruxism and TMJ Dysfunction Splints
Snoring/ Breathing/Airway Dysfunction/Sleep Apnea Appliances
Comprehensive Collaborative Interdisciplinary Dentistry/ Orthognathic Surgery
Oral Health Consultant
We aspire to be a useful health advisor, believing that vibrant health begins with correct breathing, sleep quality, proper nutrition, and the luck of picking the right parents. Developmental disturbances begin very early in life and have later consequences regarding: IQ, learning behavior, physical ability and facial esthetics. Crowded irregular teeth are the result of unnatural factors at play and correcting teeth without identifying and attending to the root cause leads to a disappointing outcome. Health management is a lifetime challenge very dependent on desire.
Technology is ever changing the way dentistry is performed, but fundamentals never change, we adapt a “new mouse trap” to what we know, keeping it a servant not a master or monster. Too often the reverse is true, people believe the dentist with the most “toys” is best of class, when the truth is that knowledge, experience, skill and wisdom trump the latest greatest techno-tool.
“It’s the Indian not the arrow”
We invite you to evaluate a mature practice with a conservative common-sense approach to resolving dental dilemmas and compare our committed service to our patients, profession and community. Check out our website. Call Amy or Ellie, (727) 822-3156 and let’s get acquainted!
Our Mission: Our practice is a place of learning and understanding, a place of motivation and
inspiration to improve health and wellbeing. Smile oriented, but with you smile
coming from a peaceful heart, not just pretty teeth.
We reject all the self-serving hype and propaganda that markets heath care.
We remain an icon of “old fashion” yet techno savvy family doctor care.
Our Difference: 1. Low volume practice/ always on time/ no waiting
2. Attentive personal, hands-on doctor time
3. Vast experience – four generations of patients
4. The opposite of Corporate Dentistry
What we do: 1. Facial developmental supervision age 6-14
2. Habit breaking appliances, thumb sucking, tongue thrust, grinding, speech
3. Early dental orthopedic correction (growth modification)
4. Partial limited treatment
5. Adolescent/Adult orthodontics
6. Interdisciplinary Collaborative Dentistry/Medicine
7. Orthognathic surgical correction
8. TMJ and Periodontal splints
9. Retainer replacement
10. Snoring, breathing dysfunction/ sleep apnea appliances