

Over the course of the last 20 years, my practice has continued to emphasize the importance of Sound Sleep as our #1. health priority. Nutrition close behind at #2. Exercise at #3. Poor quality sleep is the slow silent suicide that sucks the life-giving oxygen out of every function of the body especially the brain. […]

“Tongue in Cheek”

No, No, this is no joke! What you will read needs to be taken seriously, was just trying to get your attention. Of all the things that get us into trouble, number one is our tongue, usually from saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. We’ve all been there, me […]

Your First and Last Breath

The first thing you did at birth was inhale and the last thing you will do at death is exhale. How many times this simple but extremely complex exertion is repeated will be the parentheses of your life span. Do it right and you live a vibrant healthy active life, but do it wrong then […]

Tired of Being Tired

So, how did you feel when you woke up this morning? Ready to take on the world with energy and enthusiasm or dragging yourself out of bed begrudgingly and grumpy? How about mid-afternoon? Hard to concentrate through the mental fog? The last thing on your mind would be to exercise, just want to rest. Fatigue is a […]

The Twelve Suggestions

OK, I am not Moses, and this message is not Commandments from Mt. Sinai, but I am invested in a towering mountain of current knowledge that has converted my understanding of dentistry. I aspire to be a disciple of truth but must admit that truth is often the needle in the haystack, yet to be […]

Gnashing of Teeth

Interestingly, the Bible has quite a lot to say about the teeth. Song of Solomon expresses their beauty as a flock of cleanly washed sheep bearing twins which is correct anatomy and poetic allegory. Other passages both Old and New Testaments have a fearful connotation of life out of control marked by weeping and gnashing […]

The New Normal

If anything, history is about dealing with the problems and conditions at that time. However grateful we are for our air-conditioned, sanitized lives and physical improvements, we are still a long way off from reclaiming the Garden of Eden and the long life promised if we behaved ourselves. The “wars and rumors of wars” continue […]

“Airodontics” Air Way Centered Health

For far too long medical and dental were separate disciplines of learning about the function/dysfunction of the human body, mind, and spirit. A theological viewpoint would give thought to what God had in mind when He made the decision to introduce two gardeners to tend His farm while He was working on other things. We […]

Tired Blood

In the early days of TV, watching the Lawrence Welk show I remember one of those catchy commercials for the elixir of life and fountain of youth: the cure for” tired blood”, Geritol tonic. Taken 4 X day would give your blood a sure enough high since it was about 50 proof white lightening colored […]

Stop, Look and Listen

I cannot remember when this admonition was indelibly printed into my psyche, but it was at a very young age and its wisdom has remained useful for all occasions. How many times have you thought “stop the world, I want to get off” when the pace of life gets so fast and furious you just […]