
Unintended Consequences part 2 – Invisalign & Oral Hygiene

Invisalign – Unintended Consequences Part 1 of 2

Invisalign – Understanding Unintended Consequences

In January 2013, Invisalign, a popular clear tray aligner treatment system, introduced its next generation product material named “Smart Track”, a more flexible, more consistent force range and better fitting tray. Other improvements to the trays improve bite opening, bite closing, proper “pitch” of upper incisors and built in hooks for elastic wear.  Improvements in […]

What’s Eating You? It’s what you’re eating

Scientific reports from all over the world are documenting the free fall in the physical health of those addicted to the American diet of fast foods and high sugar intake; the most vulnerable, our children. Assault rifles aside, unknowingly,parents are slowly killing their children with forks and spoons, or at best, critically wounding them with […]