
The Mother of the Mouth

  Every July I look forward to my introduction of orthodontics to the UF general dentistry residents recently graduated from 10 of the best dental schools across the US and 2 from equivalent foreign countries. After 50 years of an unexplainable passion for the wonders of dentistry, I have had the privilege for 24 years […]

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Sometimes you just have to get graphic to make a point. Our mouth quickly becomes a garbage can especially with braces on. What you eat, you wear -stuck on your braces to ferment into gorilla glue plaque, which is a live animal zoo whose waste products boil and bubble up into acid the pH of […]

“Going Clear” (without Scientology)

We all like clear skies, clear water, and clear coast so why not clear braces?  Fine for some, but not for Blue/Orange gator fans or Garnet/Gold nole fanatics. How bout Carolina Blue, “Dook” Dark Blue, Green Devil Green, Black for Goths, and Pink for chest issues?  Had I listened to my 5-year-old daughter in 1970 who wanted […]

Over the Wire

Over the Wire From Reelewired   That title, my friends and web grazers, dates me. Sadly, you millennial’s won’t get it so let me explain. No sooner than the Pony Express was finally getting letters to California from the East in 7 – 10 days, the telegraph wires were strung across the continent allowing Morris Code […]

Bogus Braces – Let the buyer beware

“There will always be those who make something cheap and sell it cheaper.” As I celebrate my 50th year of constant continuing education in my much loved profession of orthodontics, spending uncountable hours reading every orthodontic text book and journal, 23 years of teaching orthodontics at UF Dental Clinic, years of  sharing the complexities of dentistry with […]

Unintended Consequences part 2 – Invisalign & Oral Hygiene

Invisalign – Unintended Consequences Part 1 of 2

Invisalign – Understanding Unintended Consequences

In January 2013, Invisalign, a popular clear tray aligner treatment system, introduced its next generation product material named “Smart Track”, a more flexible, more consistent force range and better fitting tray. Other improvements to the trays improve bite opening, bite closing, proper “pitch” of upper incisors and built in hooks for elastic wear.  Improvements in […]

Is Invisalign Necessary?

A St. Petersburg Original John B. Harrison, DDS

John talks about his beginnings in St. Petrsburg and his Orthodontic philosophies and beliefs.